OSU is focused on the health and wellbeing of our Cowboy Family as we prepare for the fall semester during a COVID-19 crisis. Search our Cowboys Coming Back reopening plan or FAQs to learn more.
- Testing information for health care providers
America's brightest orangeis going to look good on you
Opportunities here stretch as far as the eye can see. You'll get real experience to start your career off on the right track. And a big dose of Cowboy spirit in a community you'll be proud to call home.

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and more than 20 graduate certificates for continuing education
Academics & Research
OSU is a nationally ranked research university — in the classroom and on the field.
- Top 50 Public Universities in America (Niche.com, 2018).
- Most Truman Scholars (for graduate study in public service) in Oklahoma.
- Honors curriculum listed top 10 in the nation (Willingham, 2018).
As a land-grant institution, we believe access to education is an essential part of our mission.
- Top 100 Best College Values (Kiplinger, 2017).
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- Over 50% of OSU students graduate with zero student loan debt.
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We invest in the well-being of our students, faculty, staff and community.
- Largest comprehensive university student union in the world.
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- Located in America's friendliest college town.

Gifts to OSU have created more than 3,000 scholarship funds, benefitting thousands of students for generations. Make your impact today!
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